'Day in the Country'
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Saturday 2nd September 2023
Day in the Country
Killabakh’s Day in the Country is celebrating it’s 35th year!
The Killabakh Hall is the heart of our community and each year it bristles with excitement in anticipation for our annual fair day.
The last few years have been a bit iffy (thanks to COVID), so this year we are changing the format a little bit to highlight all our local area has to offer and promoting as many pillars of our community as possible.
A celebration of local colour
This year we are revelling in a showcase of local talent, skill and creativity. With demonstrations from local creatives and skilled people, workshops focused on creative arts and country living, performances, live music, art displays, and engagement from a whole range of local businesses. Our intention is to support, showcase and celebrate everything our wonderful village has to offer. We want everyone to feel welcome to not only attend but also participate on the day in all kinds of ways.
Event Overview:
Art Show
Kids Zone
Animal Sculpture & Colouring-In Competition
Entertainment Quarter: Live Music & Story time
Demonstrations & Workshops
Local Produce & Food Market
Gift Basket Market & Homewares
Tech Tent & Community Groups
The Country Life & Homesteaders Market
The Food Court: BBQ, Cafe, Country Kitchen
So many raffles

Special Guests &
Program Highlights:
Grug & author Ted Prior doing storytime & book signings
Sweet and Swampy
Songlines Singers

The Art Show
For 35 years Killabakh has celebrated our local artists with an annual art show. We are so proud of the creative talent of all our local artists and are thrilled to announce a brand new exhibition schedule and art showcase this year. We are introducing a new People's Choice Award, extending the dates of the exhibition and expanding applications to the region and friends of Killabakh.
Full details about the Art Show and submissions are here. People's Choice Award will be open for voting online and on the day, winners will receive a solo exhibition booked and fully advertised by The Edge Gallery in Taree.
Animal Sculpture Competition to be displayed for the two weeks prior to the Day In The Country event with prize winners to be announced at the event. Prizes include a Ute Load of worm castings (valued at $300), a worm farm and worm starter kit donated by WormBiz.
Colouring in competition will be on display at the Wingham cafes and the winners in each age category will be judged and announced at the event. Get in touch if your school or organisation wants to participate (killabakhditc@gmail.com)
Art Raffle prizes include a $50 Gift Voucher to The Edge Gallery, Art Supplies, Original Art & More
To submit an artwork or learn about the Art Show click here.
Animal Sculpture Competition details & submission click here.

The Kids Zone
The Kids Zone will not only have it's own stage and entertainment program but will have a full fairy garden complete with picnic area for the parents who want somewhere to relax and take in the day.
We even have a very special local celebrity guest who will be appearing on the day - Ted Prior, author of the children's book series GRUG will be doing a reading and book signings and an author talk for the kids and the young at heart.
Picnic games
Performances for and by kids
Arts and crafts activities
Fire truck demonstration
Animal Sculpture Competition for the whole family
Colouring in competition (winners announced on the day)
Fairy garden adventures
Dedicated kids workshops including a Fairy Painting Workshop by Christina Hall
Storytime tales by local authors including Ted Prior and Grug, and Ocean Tales.
Kids Books and Kids stalls. If you want a stall in the Kids Zone please apply here.
Grug is coming to Killabakh!
Local author Ted Prior, famous for his Grug series, will be doing book signings and an author talk accompanied by a real-life Grug!

The Entertainment Quarter
This year we hope to start a new tradition of showcasing the regions up and coming performers as well as celebrating our home grown stars.
We have multiple performance spaces across the event showcasing a range of music and entertainment for free all day:
The Band Stage will be dedicated to our bush band, Sweet & Swampy playing from 10am-1pm featuring a set with the crowd favourite Gary Spicer, and followed by local musicians
The Kids Zone Stage will host childrens choirs, story time readings, and musicians
PLUS!! Roving Acts including buskers, Grug, entertainers and our exceptionally entertaining Town Crier will be throughout the fair.
If you want to be included in the line up for the day or have a unique act to share with us please get in touch! killabakhditc@gmail.com
Local Produce Market
Traditionally the Day In The Country market stalls have been a blend of all kinds of handmade and locally produced delights. This year we are keeping our focus on the uniqueness of our local products but are highlighting in particular the variety and exceptional quality of our locally produced food. Bring your shopping basket cos you are going to want to stock up on these delicious treats!
Jams, Sauces, Preserves
Wine tastings
Fresh fruit, vegetables and produce all locally grown
Hand made lemonade
And so much more!

To apply to have a stall at the market please click here.
We are inviting all local producers, makers and creatives to apply.
We will even get a very special demonstration on fermentation by local author and homesteader Anna Axisa from her book Homegrown Healthy Living.
The Gift Basket Market
Our stall holders are very carefully selected to represent the best the region has to offer in handmade, locally + ethically + sustainably produced quality products. Get your Christmas shopping done early or find a special something just for you. Stalls include regular fan favourites such as our body and beauty products, jewellery, homewares, book stall, arts and gifts as well as a host of exciting new stalls to fill up your gift basket.

The Country Life & Homesteading
A Day In The Country isn't just a day to show off how great we think we are, it's also an opportunity to share skills, stock up on essentials and support not just the community but the environment too.
Woodworking demonstrations
Toolshed demonstrations, servicing and tool market
Plant stalls
Natives and regeneration education and stall by Landcare
Stalls to support your homestead and get a taste of the country life
Homegrown Healthy Living author Anna Axisa will be doing workshop demonstrations and a book signing
Worm farm and compost demonstrations by WormBiz

The Food Court
What would a country event be without some proper cake and scones?! The Killabakh cafe, Killabakh kitchen and the BBQ will be in full swing for the day serving up steak sangas, slow cooked curries, all the cake your heart desires, and we have gluten free, vegetarian and vegan options.
Something delicious for everyone. How can you go wrong with a $10 curry, a plate of pavlova and washed down with a good cuppa.
Coffee cart serving proper barista coffee will be here as usual but we'll also be having a very special tea tent, handmade lemonades and all the staples you love Killabakh for.
Killabakh Kitchen
Country Cafe
Refreshments by Saxbys
Barista made coffee

The Tech Tent
Staffed by local IT and computer service experts the Tech Tent is a great way to have those niggly questions answered on the spot. Help fixing your emails, phone set up and guidance, computer answers and help understanding the bits of the internet that confound you. No question too small!
Milly Morgan from Blue Fairy Design Solutions (you might know her as your facebook group admin) will be on site all day Jim Yang from Jim the Computer man will be assisting too!
Support is provided on donation and there will also be raffles with amazing prizes and some tech gear to buy on the day.
Become a Sponsor
The Day In The Country is our major fundraiser but it's also a great way to drum up support for and by our local businesses. If you want your business showcased at the event or in our marketing and you have something to offer (prizes, vouchers, cold hard cash) we want to hear from you! Check out options here.
Support & Community Groups
St Johns Ambulance will be on site all day. The Information Tent will have local merch and all the details you'll need to get the most out of the day.
We encourage any local community groups or organisations to get in touch if you want to have an information stall. killabakhditc@gmail.com

Want to get involved?
There are tonnes of ways to get involved in this year's Day In The Country. Our annual fair day serves as our largest fundraiser for the year to keep all our awesome village activities and groups running and of course maintain our wonderful hall to be enjoyed by all. It is also our strongest outreach and community participation event where everyone can come together, share a pie and get to know their community.
The event is exclusively staffed by community volunteers and isn't possible without those wonderful people willing to roll their sleeves up and serve some scones or collect donations. There are heaps of sections that need staffing and all kinds of ways to help behind the scenes or on the day. Submit your registration online or get in touch with the head of the section you'd like to volunteer with directly. List of sections and contact people can be found here. Plus we'd love a photographer/videographer there on the day!
Sponsorship & Donation
We need prizes to give to winners of the competition, supplies for the kitchen, media coverage, hay bales and seating, cold rooms, gazebos and tents - basically everything. Some of it we buy out of hall funds and some of it is generously donated by the community. This year we are also offering sponsorship packages for local businesses that can help out so we can sweeten the deal and support those that support us. Download the sponsorship package options by clicking here. Get in touch with killabakhditc@gmail.com to discuss options.
Creative Components & Competitions
Join the Art Show, Animal Sculpture Competition or Kids Colouring-In Competitions and be in the running to win some awesome prizes!
ART SHOW: apply to exhibit here. People's choice winners receive a pre-booked fully funded solo exhibition at the Edge Gallery in Taree in March 2024.
ANIMAL SCULPTURE: Create a sculpture and display it either out the front of your house in Killabakh or bring it to the hall for display and go in the running to win a ute load full of worm castings, a worm farm and a starter worm kit by WormBiz! Details are here.
COLOURING-IN COMPETITION: All local schools, cafes and individuals and anyone else wanting to participate are welcome to join the fun! If you want your school or organisation to participate please get in touch. Winners will receive a voucher to a children's art workshop with Christina Hall, Art Supplies and all the kudos.
Background Page Art by Gemma Lee Cross